sobota, 30 marca 2013

Przedszkolaki- plan pracy w kwietniu


Clothes (ubrania): dress, jacket,T-shirt, shoes, skirt, socks, sweater, trousers, hat
struktury: What are you wearing today? I'm wearing a .....

Piosenka o piratach:
Join the piratesX2

Put on your hat
Put on your T-shirt
Put on your trousers
Put on your shoes

Join the piratesX2

Jobs (zawody): dentist, doctor, fireman, policeman, vet, pilot, model
struktury: Who do you want to be? I want to be.....

Piosenka What you gonna be?
What you gonna be?
What you gonna be?
I'm gonna be a pilot (pilot zastepujemy kolejno: doctor, fireman, model)
That's the life for me.

przypomnienie i rozszerzenie słownictwa :
My House (dom): house, bathroom, bedroom, living romm, dining room, kitchen
struktury: Where's the car? It's in the living room.
My Body: (ciało): body, feet, arms, head, hands, legs

Piosenka Watch me dance
I'm a happy puppet.
My name is Lance
Pull the strings
And watch me dance

Wiggle my body
Clap my hands
Stretch my legs and tap my feet
Tap, tap, tap
To the beat, beat, beat.

Shake my arms
Nod my head
Stretch my legs and tap my feet
Tap, tap, tap
To the beat, beat, beat.

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